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The End of Labors

Daily Reading: Revelation 14-15

Scripture Focus: And I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Blessed indeed,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them!” (Revelation 14.13)

Devotional Thought: A momentous milestone has come and gone in my life: my sixtieth birthday. Yikes! Having passed that marker, my mind seems to go more and more to my work and legacy. Am I making a difference? Will it last? The Bible says it will. While we will one day rest from our labors, our deeds will follow us.

The word for labors in this verse means, "trouble, toil, or labor that involves weariness and fatigue." One day we will rest from our labors. We will lay our burdens down. Our work on earth will be ended. At times that sounds like a great idea. At other times, I enjoy what I do so much that I can't fathom doing it no longer.

The word for deeds on the other hand has to do with accomplishment. What we have accomplished, what we have done, what we have completed - will not 'die' with our physical death. These things will continue their influence on earth until one day all accomplishments will be gathered up and placed before the Lord to his glory and praise.

Our works will bring honor to Jesus forever and ever! How will that be? It can only be because the lives we have influenced will live forever and ever. One day those you have helped on the journey will join you around the throne giving praise and honor and glory to Jesus!


Prayer: Help me, O Lord, to be faithful in all my trouble, toil and labor so that my deeds will follow me - in the form of ransomed souls! - all the way to heaven's throne. Amen.

Psalm of the Day: 12 But you, O LORD, are enthroned forever; you are remembered throughout all generations. 13 You will arise and have pity on Zion; it is the time to favor her; the appointed time has come. 14 For your servants hold her stones dear and have pity on her dust. 15 Nations will fear the name of the LORD, and all the kings of the earth will fear your glory. 16 For the LORD builds up Zion; he appears in his glory; 17 he regards the prayer of the destitute and does not despise their prayer. (Psalms 102:12-17)

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