Resources meant to encourage and invest in you.
This prayer guide will help prepare you and your church for revival, but can also be used to pray for your pastor and worship leaders on a regular basis. May be used by evangelists to send to churches ahead of revival. Permission is granted to print as many copies as desired. The trifold is designed for 8.5 X 14 paper. If you want to order printed copies, they are available in the Momentum store.
If you’re like me, you have asked many, many questions about ministry. And, you have probably struggled with feelings of inadequacy and perhaps even incompetence.
I have good news for you... and for me, too: God doesn’t want us to serve him with feelings of doubt. He doesn’t want us to operate our ministries under the cloud of inadequacy! He tells us that we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength! He desires to make us more than conquerors! Are we taking full advantage of his offer of help? Th is resource will help guide you through praying for your team.
A six panel prayer guide to help you pray as the Lord taught his disciples (The Lord's Prayer). Suitable for individual use or for distributing in your small group and/or congregation. Printed on high quality satin finish paper and designed for repeated usage. Permission is granted to print as many copies as desired. The trifold is designed for 8.5 X 14 paper. If you want to order printed copies, they are available in the Momentum store.
What are those attributes or qualities that characterize a follower of Jesus Christ? We at Momentum Ministries have adopted the Compass as a symbol of the way to follow Jesus. The Compass marks the way for us. This free printable download goes through the six points of a Compass to help us develop Christ followers:
1. Pivot Point
2. West Point
3. North Point
4. East Point
5. South Point
6. Point of Impact
(Permission is granted to print as many copies as desired.)