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Do You Have Rose Garden Faith?

Daily Reading: Acts 14

Scripture Focus: But the unbelieving Jews stirred up the Gentiles and poisoned their minds against the brothers (Acts 14.2)

Devotional Thought: Some of us remember the Lynn Anderson song: "I beg your pardon. I never promised you a rose garden. Along with the sunshine. There's gotta be a little rain some time..." I wonder if Barnabas and Paul ever felt like singing that tune. It seems that wherever they went, there were hardships and persecution, suffering and rejection. When they arrived at Iconium, there were people who didn't like their message. These jealous unbelievers, poisoned the minds of their fellow citizens - Gentiles - against the church. Sound familiar?

GQ magazine once said the Bible is over-rated and not worth reading, attempting to stir up some controversy and perhaps spark magazine sales. I'm not sure that it worked, but one thing it showed me - GQ is not worth reading! To call the most published book in the history of the world over-rated, shows that all critical thinking has gone out the window, and what is espoused is purely personal opinion and animus. After all, what could 5 billion readers know?! But, obvious truth does not often hinder the purveying of revered prejudices!

Are you suffering rejection and ridicule for your Christian faith? Do not despair. While God has not promised you a rose garden, the Bible says that he will not keep silent (Psalm 50.3). You can be assured that the last voice heard will be the voice of God. When he calls for an end of all things, every doubting voice will be silenced.

Prayer: Father, help me to be firm in the face of opposition. When popular culture rejects the message of God's love, help me to stand on the truth of the Bible. Amen.

Psalm of the Day: Psalm 69.22-28

22 Let their own table before them become a snare;

and when they are at peace, let it become a trap.

23 Let their eyes be darkened, so that they cannot see,

and make their loins tremble continually.

24 Pour out your indignation upon them,

and let your burning anger overtake them.

25 May their camp be a desolation;

let no one dwell in their tents.

26 For they persecute him whom you have struck down,

and they recount the pain of those you have wounded.

27 Add to them punishment upon punishment;

may they have no acquittal from you.

28 Let them be blotted out of the book of the living;

let them not be enrolled among the righteous.

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2 commentaires

Pastor Scott Wade
05 juin 2023

Let us hold firm the truth in Jesus!


Elizabeth Newman
Elizabeth Newman
05 juin 2023

So many ways that this truth can be applied. The world's voice can be so loud. I pray that believers will know our Lord's voice so well that the din will not overcome it. I pray that as believers, we will continue to learn and to share "nothing but the truth" wherever we go. Good words, Brother Scott! Thank you.

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