Daily Reading: Acts 15
Scripture Focus: After there had been much debate, Peter stood up and said to them... (Acts 15.7)
Devotional Thought: One thing I know about the Church... it's not perfect. Why? Because there are imperfect people in it! How do I know that? Because I'm in it! (And because you are in it, too!)
Even the New Testament church was not perfect. The Bible is pretty frank about its imperfections, one of which was its resistance to Gentiles. There were some who insisted that Gentiles convert to Judaism before they be accepted as members of the church. It was a huge blind spot that came to a head in Acts 15. The church arrived at the right conclusion, however, "after there had been much debate."
In mass media, social media, political forums, and even on university campuses, we see just the opposite. Instead of engaging in debate, people simply want to shut each other down. It should never happen, however, in the church. We should be willing to explore the scriptures together, as did the Bereans in Acts 17 who: "received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so. Many of them therefore believed." Healthy, respectful debate does not weaken our faith, but leads to stronger faith!
What are some things we should avoid so that we don't shut down debate?
· Impugning motives. We don't know what is in another's heart. Only God judges that, so we should not make it a part of our discussions.
· Making light. When we devalue another's opinions, they will not be willing to share in the future, and we will lose valuable perspective.
· Calling names. That just devalues people and makes them angry.
· Instilling fear. People who are afraid will simply repeat what is being said. This leads to group think.
Do you shut down debate?
Prayer: Lord, thank you that the early church, though imperfect, was able to reach good conclusions through earnest and respectful debate. Help me to encourage, and not stifle, communication. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Psalm of the Day: Psalm 69.29-36
29 But I am afflicted and in pain; let your salvation, O God, set me on high!
30 I will praise the name of God with a song; I will magnify him with thanksgiving. 31 This will please the Lord more than an ox or a bull with horns and hoofs. 32 When the humble see it they will be glad; you who seek God, let your hearts revive. 33 For the Lord hears the needy and does not despise his own people who are prisoners.
34 Let heaven and earth praise him, the seas and everything that moves in them. 35 For God will save Zion and build up the cities of Judah, and people shall dwell there and possess it; 36 the offspring of his servants shall inherit it, and those who love his name shall dwell in it.