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To Whom Honor Is Due

Daily Reading: 1 Samuel 2

Scripture Focus: Those who honor me I will honor, and those who despise me shall be lightly esteemed. (1 Samuel 2.30)

Devotional Thought: As God pronounced his judgment on the sons of Eli, he made a powerful statement: “Those who honor me I will honor, and those who despise me shall be lightly esteemed.” I've had countless conversations with people who wonder why God is not blessing them. They are angry at God for not answering prayer or for not giving them what they want. They often fail to realize that it is their behavior blocking the blessings of God. For some reason, people think that they can live any old way they please and God is still obligated to answer their prayers. God sees it differently, though. In today’s American culture – and sad to say this exists even in the church – we are ignoring God’s commandments, replacing them with our new enlightened version of things.

And, this principle applies not just to individuals. It extends to churches and even to nations. A church that does not honor the Lord through prayer, faith, and compassion, will not be honored by the presence of the Lord. Oh, they may be able to gather a crowd and to stir up emotional excitement, but there is a vast difference between human excitement and the Holy Spirit's presence. A nation that turns its back on God’s principles will not enjoy the protection and favor of the Lord. It is as simple as that.

What about you? Are you honoring the Lord through obedience? Through witness? Through holy living? Through tithing? Through prayer? Through faith? Through worship? If we desire to receive the honor of the only One who really matters, then we must honor him in our lives.

Prayer: Lord, forgive me for those times when I have failed to honor you in my actions, my attitudes, or my words. "In my life, Lord, be glorified today." Amen.

Psalm of the Day: Psalm 75.6-10

6 For not from the east or from the west and not from the wilderness comes lifting up, 7 but it is God who executes judgment, putting down one and lifting up another. 8 For in the hand of the Lord there is a cup with foaming wine, well mixed, and he pours out from it, and all the wicked of the earth shall drain it down to the dregs.

9 But I will declare it forever; I will sing praises to the God of Jacob. 10 All the horns of the wicked I will cut off, but the horns of the righteous shall be lifted up.

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